FROM Re-Posting Thrift Shop Coordinator Position.
Details on the position and how to apply can be found at Visit the listing by clicking here
FROM’s Response to Racism
Click the image below to read FROM’s statement in response to racism

FROM and Coronavirus
For the most up-to-date information on how FROM is responding to COVID 19, including closures, volunteer needs, and more, visit our COVID-19 Response or our Facebook page
FROM and Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Click the link to read how FROM is responding to coronavirus (COVID-19) FROM and COVID 19
FROM Hiring Healthy Food Coordinator and Thrift Shop Coordinator
Both position details can be found here
FROM Hiring for Volunteer Coordinator and Building Maintenance Coordinator
Both position details can be found here. Deadline to apply is February 18, 2020.
Diane Kleczynski, Volunteer Coordinator, Announces Retirement
Diane has spent over 20 years involved at FROM. Before joining the staff, she volunteered for over 14 years in many areas in Treasures Thrift Shop, various programs, and on the Board of Directors. Diane has served as the Volunteer and Facilities Coordinator for over 7 years. During this time she has recruited, trained, and welcomed new volunteers as well as supervised Treasures Thrift Shop (before a Store Coordinator was hired). She also oversees maintenance/facilities and some programs. Diane’s passion and commitment to FROM are obvious based not only on her long-term involvement in so many areas of the organization but also her impact on so many people that have been touched by FROM.
FROM will host a Retirement Party for Diane on February 24, 2020 from 11:30-1:00 p.m.
Update on the Executive Director Transition
Lowell’s First Look interviewed both Dawn Broene and Wendie Preiss for an update on our Executive Director transition. Click here for the article and join us on February 3, 2002 from 12:30-2:30 for an Open House for Dawn Broene as we wish her well in her next endeavor.